MSRP: 41,066.00SAVINGS: 17,071.00 PRICE: 23,995.00
9.99 APR 180 months 20% down with Tier 1 approved credit. Excludes tax, tag, title, and license.
3633 S. Maple Ave.
Fresno, CA 93725
Contact Us
Sales: 559-486-1000 Service: 559-486-1000
VIN - 573TE2010P7700808
Length - 19.92 ft. (239 in.)
Ext Height - 10.83 ft. (130 in.)
Sleeps - 5
Dry weight - 3,560 lbs.
Hitch weight - 425 lbs.
Awning Length - 12.5 ft. (150 in.)
Axle Count - 1