MSRP: 103,009.00SAVINGS: 23,014.00 PRICE: 79,995.00
8.49 APR 240 months 20% down with Tier 1 approved credit. Excludes tax, tag, title, and license.
261293 US-101
Sequim, WA 98382
Contact Us
Sales: 360-582-9199 Service: 360-582-9199
VIN - 573FS3521RAA18932
Length - 34.33 ft. (412 in.)
Ext Height - 12.75 ft. (153 in.)
Ext Width - 8.42 ft. (101 in.)
Sleeps - 6
Slideouts - 3
Awning Length - 27 ft. (324 in.)
Axle Count - 2