


RV Tips for Emptying & Flushing Your Black Tank

Today we’re featuring a step by step how-to on emptying your blank tank while camping in your new or used RV. Yes, it’s a dirty job. No, it’s no one’s favorite. But yes, it’s essential. And it can be easier than you think! Check out our RV tips for emptying and flushing your black tank below!

Attach the Hose

RV sewer hoses traditionally range between 10-20 feet, and you can shop from our online parts catalog for a hose to supplement what you already have for your RV! Sewer hoses can connect to each other if the dump station is more than 10 feet away. This is one of those things that it’s not a bad idea to have a spare, replacement, or backup!

RV Tips for Emptying & Flushing Your Black Tank - RV Sewer Hose

First, attach the sewer hose to the dump station using the elbow lock. The elbow lock can attach to either end of the hose, and it also clicks into place at the dump station.

RV Tips - Dump Station with Elbow Lock and Hose

Now look at the other end of the hose. It has locking tabs – and those click into place on the sewer mount of your RV. Then remove the valve cap on the sewer mount and attach the free end of the hose. It’s best to familiarize yourself with this before dealing with any amount of waste. And if you have any questions, contact us. It’s not particularly complicated, but you definitely want to make sure you get this process right!

Flushing the Tank

After you empty the black tank, empty the grey tank. This serves a dual purpose: not only do you have your grey tank emptied and ready to go, but its contents – old soapy water – run through the black tank and hose, giving it a nice soapy rinse.

Finally, it’s ideal to flush your black tank. This uses fresh water to simply give the black tank a final rinse. Find the black tank flush connection. If it’s not already clearly labeled, DO THAT NOW. Fresh vs dirty water is not something you want to get mixed up. Attach the hose exactly like a regular garden hose and exactly the same way the fresh/city water connection is hooked up. Once you have a sealed connection with the gasket (and the black tank valve is open), send in the clean water.

A quick note here: it’s absolutely essential to open the black tank valve before turning on the water. If for some reason there are any remaining contents in the black tank that haven’t finished dumping – for instance, if there’s a clog –  the addition of fresh water without the valve being opened does one thing and one thing only: pressurize what’s still there. Believe us when we tell you: pressurized sewage is a mistake you do not want to make. Open the valve. Trust us now, thank us later.

Got Questions? ASK THEM!

Some people believe there are no stupid questions. Other people believe that’s a stupid lie. We can split hairs later, but when it comes to emptying and flushing your black tank, we’d rather you ask the questions than risk getting it wrong. We’re a phone call away. Contact us today!


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