


Tulips Bring The Beauty of Spring

tulip festival weekend getaway Oregon Washington Ahhhh… Spring! We are so happy to see you! One sure sign that spring has sprung is when the blooms begin to brighten up the world with their dazzling colors. One of the most lovely ways to view Springtime blooms, is to go to a Tulip Festival! Chances are, there’s one near you. It’s a great excuse for a quick weekend trip to get you out on the road and rollin’ and kick off the traveling season. Tulips are considered a welcome harbinger of spring, and a tulip festival lets everyone see them at their best advantage. Tulip festivals are also popular tourist attractions, and often have a whole host of activities going on throughout the day, from hay rides and bounce houses, to great food and Farmer’s Markets. Two of the most popular tulip festivals in the Northwest, are The Skagit Valley Tulip Festival (4/1-4/30) and the Wooden Shoe Tulip Festival in Woodburn, Oregon (3/29-5/1). The Skagit Valley Festival is different, as it is a “driving tour” that will lead you all through the valley, taking you to dozens of tulip farms as well as many events and activities along the way. This festival has been going on for 30 years and every year it welcomes more and more visitors, with people coming in from all around the world. Last year alone they had guests from 53 foreign countries, and from 49 of our states! Somehow, Mississippi didn’t make the list. In Woodburn, Oregon, at the Wooden Shoe Tulip Festival, you will find over 40 acres of breathtaking tulips and daffodils, childrens activities, a bulb shop, great food, a crafters, market, wine tasting and more. Woodburn is located just outside of Portland, and this fun festival has been in business since 1989. A tulip festival is just a great way to get out and spend some quality family time outdoors, welcoming Spring, and enjoying some of the most extraordinary beauty and colors that Mother Nature has to offer.  Do you have any gorgeous tulip festival photos to share with us? If you do, you can post them to our Facebook page… We always love to hear from you!



photo credit:Noel Reynolds


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