


RV Tips for Getting Rid of Mildew on Your Camping Gear

There’s nothing worse than starting to pack for your first spring camping trips in your new or used RV and discovering that some of your best and favorite gear has been damaged with mildew. If something was even the slightest bit damp when you put it away at the end of last season, you could be looking at staring down patches of mold and mildew. Don’t throw it all away! Check out our RV tips for getting rid of mildew on your camping gear – because you don’t want to leave it there, either. Mold and mildew can cause health reactions for some people, and can continue to spread. Take the easy and inexpensive route below so you don’t have to replace your gear!

RV Tips

For Washables & Wearables

For anything with washable fibers – hammocks, clothing, towels, etc. – start with pre-treatment. Wet the affected area and use a brush with stiff bristles (laundry scrub brush or even a firm-bristled toothbrush designated for this purpose) to scrub some detergent directly into the stain. Wash the items immediately in hot water, detergent, and a half-cup of chlorine bleach (for whites). If you’re washing colored garments or fabrics and can’t use chlorine bleach, pre-soak in hot water with color-safe bleach for one hour, then wash with hot water and regular detergent.

RV Tips

For drying, the best thing you can do is let it dry in direct sunlight. A clothesline is perfect for this, but if you don’t have one, spread the items out on picnic tables or even directly on the grass. If you have a clothes line, use it – otherwise spread the items on picnic tables or out on the grass in direct sunlight.

RV Tips

If any of the mildew spots are being especially stubborn, tackle them with some lemon juice sprayed directly on the stain. Scrub some coarse salt into it. Lay in the sun to dry, then rinse, and then sun dry again.

Treating Mildew on Leather

Spare yourself the heartache and expense of replacing leather products! If your leather hiking booths grew some mildew, simply make a mixture of equal parts rubbing alcohol and water. Dip an old washcloth into the mixture, and give the affected area of leather a good rub with it. Let air dry in full sunshine.

RV Tips

RV Exterior & Other Hard and Non-Porous Surfaces

Let’s face it…the exterior of your new or used RV can develop mildew just from being exposed to the elements and collecting moisture in places that don’t easily dry. To tackle these spots, use two parts white vinegar to one part water and use a stiff-bristle brush to scrub. If it’s a hard stain, just use full strength vinegar.

RV Tips

Neutralizing > Eliminating

At the end of the day, some mildew spots just may not come out. Don’t worry! Mildew spots can signify two things – the growth of mold and the presence of a stain. Neutralizing the mold growth is more important than eliminating the visual stain. Proper treatment can neutralize the mildew and keep it from growing, and ultimately, a few lingering stains that can’t be erased probably aren’t a dealbreaker. Think of them as badges of honor from your last camping trip!

The Power of Sunlight

Sunlight is a wonderful disinfectant and oftentimes it’s just what our bodies and minds need for some cleansing, too. Pair up the sunshine with some fresh air and hit the road for a beautiful springtime camping trip. Need some RV service before you go? We can help. Contact us today!


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